diumenge, 27 de setembre del 2009

Welcome to Naranja's world.


My name is Naranja, my friends are Artu and M3ng1, we are from Spain-->Barcelona-->Sabadell.
Our highschool is IES Joan Oliver. We all like rap music, beatboxing, skateboarding, etc. Our favourite rap groups are: Violadores del verso, 7Notas7colores, Flowklorikos, ToteKing y Shotta, CPV, Kultama, VKR, Swan Fiahbwoy, Nach, FalsaAlarma, ArmaBlanca, Duo Kie, Rapsusklei, Xhelazz, SFDK, Magnatiz, Hablando en Plata Squad, Triple xXx, Jesuly, Juaninacka, Dogma Crew, La mala rodriguez ( in his times, when she did really hardcore rap ), El Chojin, Welelo, A3Bandas, Praxiz, and a really long ''etc''.
Our favourite food is : Potatoes, oranges and ensaimadas. We don't like: reggaeton, pop music and doing homework :P.